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How to write autotests

Anyone who starts to write UI-tests is facing with a problem of how to write UI-tests correctly. At the beginning of our great way, we had three absolutely different UI-test code styles from four developers. It was amazing. At that moment, we decided to do something to prevent it.
That's why we have created rules on how to write UI-tests and we have tried to make Kaspresso helping to follow these rules. All rules are divided into two groups: abstractions and structure. Also, we have added a third part containing convenient things resolving the most common problems.


How many abstractions can you have in your tests?

Only one! It's a page object (PO), the term explained well by Martin Fowler in this article.
In Kakao a Screen class (in Kautomator a UiScreen) is the implementation of PO. Each screen visible by the user even a simple dialog is a separate PO.
Yes, there are cases when you need new abstraction and it's ok. But our advice is to think well before you introduce new abstraction.

How to determine whether View (fragment, dialog, anything) in the project has its description in some Kakao Screen?

In a big project with a lot of UI-tests, it's not an easy challenge. That's why we have implemented an extended version of the Kakao Screen - KScreen (KScreen). In KScreen you have to implement two properties: layoutId and viewClass. So your search if the View has its description in some Kakao Screen becomes easier.
In Kautomator, there is general UiScreen(UiScreen) that has an obligatory field - packageName.

Is it ok that your PO contains helper methods?

If these methods help to understand what the test is doing then it's ok.
For example, compare two parts of code:

MainScreen {
    shieldView {
MainScreen {

object MainScreen : KScreen<MainScreen>() {
    fun navigateToTasksScreen() {
        shieldView {
I am sure that method navigateToTasksScreen() is more "talking" than the simple click on some shieldView.

Can Screen contain inner state or logic?

No! PO doesn't have any inner state or logic. It's only a description of the UI of concrete View.

Assert help methods inside of PO. Is it ok?

We think it's ok because it simplifies the code and puts all info that is about Screen into one class. The chosen approach doesn't lead to an uncontrolled grow of class size because even a dialog is a separate Screen, so we don't have a huge Screen describing half of all UI in the app.
Just compare three parts of code executing the same thing:

ReportsScreen {
ReportsScreen {
    reportsListView {
        childAt<ReportsScreen.ReportsItem>(1) {
            body {
                containsText("Detected: 0")
                containsText("Quarantined: 0")
                containsText("Deleted: 0")
ReportsScreen {
    val detectsCount = getDetectsCountAfterScan()
We prefer the first variant. But we follow the next naming convention of such methods: assert<YourCheckName>.

Test structure

Test and Test-case correlation

First of all, let's consider the above-mentioned terms.
Test-case is a scenario written in human language by a tester to check some feature.
Test is an implementation of Test-case written in program language by developer/autotester.
Terms were learned. Let's observe some test:

fun test() {
    MainScreen {
        nextButton {
    SimpleScreen {
        button1 {
        button2 {
    SimpleScreen {
        button2 {
        edit {
            attempt(timeoutMs = 7000) { isVisible() }
Not bad. But can you correlate this code with the test-case easy? No, you need to read the code of the test and the text of the test-case very attentively. It's not comfortable.
So we want to have a structure of the test that would suggest what step of the test-case we are looking at in the particular area of the test.

Before/after state of a test

Sometimes you have to change the state of a device (edit contacts, phones, put files into storage and more) while you are running a test.
What to do with a changed state? There are two variants: 1. Create a universal method that sets a device to a consistent state. 2. Clean the state after each test.

The first approach doesn't look like a safe case because you need to remember about all the tests in one huge method.
That's why we prefer the second approach. But it would be nice if the structure of a test forced us to remember about a state.

Test structure

All of the above mentioned inspired us to create the test's structure like below:

fun shouldPassOnNoInternetScanTest() =
    before {
        // some things with the state
    }.after {
        // some things with the state
    }.run {
        step("Open Simple Screen") {
            MainScreen {
                nextButton {

        step("Click button_1 and check button_2") {
            SimpleScreen {
                button1 {
                button2 {

        step("Click button_2 and check edit") {
            SimpleScreen {
                button2 {
                edit {
                    attempt(timeoutMs = 7000) { isVisible() }

        step("Check all possibilities of edit") {
Let's describe the structure:
1. before - after - run
In the beginning, we think about a state. After the state, we begin to consider the test body. 2. step
step in the test is similar to step in the test-case. That's why test reading is easier and understandable. 3. scenario
There are cases when some sentences of steps are absolutely identical and occur very often in tests. For these sentences we have introduced a scenario where you can replace your sequences of steps.

How is this API enabled?
Let's look at SimpleTest and SimpleTestWithRule.
In the first example we inherit SimpleTest from TestCase. In the second example we use TestCaseRule field. Also you can use BaseTestCase and BaseTestCaseRule.

Test data for the test

A developer, while he is writing a test, needs to prepare some data for the test. It's a common case. Where do you locate test data preparing? Usually, it's the beginning of the test.
But, first, we want to divide test data preparing and test data usage. Second, we want to guarantee that test data were prepared before the test. That's why we decided to introduce a special DSL to help and to highlight the work with test data preparing.
Please look at the example - InitTransformDataTest.
Updated DSL looks like:

before {
    // ...
}.after {
   // ...
}.init {
    company {
        name = "Microsoft"
        city = "Redmond"
        country = "USA"
    company {
        name = "Google"
        city = "Mountain View"
        country = "USA"
    owner {
        firstName = "Satya"
        secondName = "Nadella"
        country = "India"
    owner {
        firstName = "Sundar"
        secondName = "Pichai"
        country = "India"
}.transform {
    makeOwner(ownerSurname = "Nadella", companyName = "Microsoft")
    makeOwner(ownerSurname = "Pichai", companyName = "Google")
}.run {
    // ...
1. init
Here, you prepare only sets of data without any transforms and connections. Also, you can make requests to your test server, for example.
It's an optional block. 2. transform
This construction is for transforming of our test data. In our example we join the owner and company.
It's an optional block. The block is enabled only after the init block.

Alexander Blinov wrote a good article about init-transform DSL in russian article where he explains all DSL details very well. You are welcome!

Available Test DSL forms

Finally, let's look at all available Test DSL in Kaspresso: 1. before-after-init-transform-run 1. before-after-init-transform-transform-run. It's possible to add multiple transform blocks. 2. before-after-init-run 3. before-after-run 4. init-transform-run 5. init-transform-transform-run. It's possible to add multiple transform blocks. 6. init-run 7. run


You can have a look at examples of how to use and configure Kaspresso and how to use different forms of DSL.

Sweet additional features

Some words about BaseTestContext method

You can notice an existing of some BaseTestContext in before, after and run methods. BaseTestContext gives you access to all Kaspresso's entities that a developer can need during the test. Also, BaseTestContext gives you insurance that all of these entities were created correctly for the current session and with actual Kaspresso configurator.
So, let's consider what BaseTestContext offers.


It's a method that receives a lambda and invokes it in the same manner as FlakySafeInterceptors group.
If you disabled this interceptor or if you want to set some special flaky safety params for any view, you can use this method. The most common case is when the default timeout (10 seconds) for flakySafety is not enough, because, for example, the appearance of a view is blocked by long background operation.

step("Check tv6's text") {
    CommonFlakyScreen {
        tv6 {
            flakySafely(timeoutMs = 16_000) {
More detailed examples are here. Please, observe a documentation about implementation details.


This function is similar to what flakySafely does, but for negative scenarios, where you need all the time to check that something does not happen.

ContinuouslyDialogScreen {
    continuously() {
        dialogTitle {
The example is here.


This is a method to make a composed action from multiple actions or assertions, and this action succeeds if at least one of its components succeeds. compose is useful in cases when we don't know an accurate sequence of events and can't influence it. Such cases are possible when a test is performed outside the application. When a test is performed inside the application we strongly recommend to make your test linear and don't put any conditions in tests that are possible thanks to compose.
It is available as an extension function for any KView, UiBaseView and as just a regular method (in this case it can take actions on different views as well).

The key words using in compose: - compose - marks the beginning of "compose", turn on all needed logic - or - marks the possible branches. The lambda after or has a context of concrete element. Just have a look at the simple below. - thenContinue - is an action that will be executed if a branch (the code into lambda of or) is completed successfully. The context of a lambda after thenContinue is a context of concrete element described in or section. - then - is almost the same construction as thenContinue excepting the context after then. The context after then is not restricted.

Have a glance at the example below:

step("Handle potential unexpected behavior") {
    // simple compose
    CommonFlakyScreen {
        btn5.compose {
            or {
                // the context of this lambda is `btn5`
                hasText("Something wrong")
            } thenContinue {
                // here, the context of this lambda is a context of KButton(btn5),
                // that's why we can call KButton's methods inside the lambda directly
            or {
                // the context of this lambda is `btn5`
            } then {
                // here, there is not any special context of this lambda
                // that's why we can't call KButton's methods inside the lambda directly
    // complex compose
    compose {
        // the first potential branch when ComplexComposeScreen.stage1Button is visible
        or(ComplexComposeScreen.stage1Button) {
            // the context of this lambda is `ComplexComposeScreen.stage1Button`
        } then {
            // if the first branch was succeed then we execute some special flow
            step("Flow is over the product") {
                ComplexComposeScreen {
                    stage1Button {
                    stage2Button {
        // the second potential branch when UiComposeDialog1.title is visible
        // just imagine that is some unexpected system or product behavior and we cannot fix it now
        or(UiComposeDialog1.title) {
            // the context of this lambda is `UiComposeDialog1.title`
        } then {
            // if the second branch was succeed then we execute some special flow
            step("Flow is over dialogs") {
                UiComposeDialog1 {
                    okButton {
                UiComposeDialog2 {
                    title {
                    okButton {
The example is here.
Please, observe additional opportunities and documentation: common info, ComposeProvider and WebComposeProvider.


If you set your test data by init-transform methods then this test data is available by a data field.


Special assistants to write tests. Pay attention to the fact that these assistants are available in BaseTestCase also.
1. testLogger
It's a logger for tests allowed to output logs by a more appropriate and readable form. 2. device
An instance of Device class is available in this context. It's a special interface given beautiful possibilities to do a lot of useful things at the test.
More detailed info about Device is here. 3. adbServer
You have access to AdbServer instance used in Device's interfaces via adbServer property.
More detailed info about AdbServer is here. 4. params
Params is the facade class for all Kaspresso parameters.
Please, observe the source code.